Touring the USA
Touring the USA
I’m writing this blog post in English, knowing it won’t be perfect, but at least understandable to people outside the small nation of Denmark. I didn't have the priviledge of traveling with my usual, talented photographer, so pictures are as good as they get with my phone.
For more than a year I’ve been working with Kids in Ministry Int. (KIMI), yet never met the people face to face – except for Pamela Ayres, who visited several African nations in May – only through email and social media. Some people might work well in that way, I need the personal interaction. The KIMI family meet every year at our annual conference in September in Bismarck, North Dakota, so this was the ideal time for me to meet as many leaders as possible, gathered in one place. Thus the purpose for my 12 days trip to the USA end of September.
1. Stop: International House of Prayer, Kansas City
My trip started with a weekend at International House of Prayer (IHOP – not the pancake house!) in Kansas City, basically what I would call “a date with Jesus”. IHOP is a church based and build upon the principles of 24/7 prayer. Throughout the week people gather in the prayer room, where worship and intercession continues night and day. Hundreds of people have devoted their life to ministering to the Lord full time, and many more join as often as they can – a couple of hours before and after work, families bringing their children – their is a lot of activity around the prayer room.
I stayed with a family from the church in walking distance to the prayer room, and basically spend a weekend in God’s presence. Most of my time was spend in the prayer room, but also attending their weekend services on Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning (went to see their children’s church). It was a beautiful weekend in many ways, refreshing and renewing. I enjoyed just soaking in God’s presence and falling deeper in love with Him again.
2. Stop: Kids in Minsitry International, Bismarck, ND
Next stop Bismarck. Many thoughts went through my head as we approached the airport in North Dakota. Spending 5 intense days with a bunch of people I didn’t know that well, yet hope to continue ministry with in future. Becky, our Director, picked me at the airport an we had about 24 hours together before the rest of the group arrived. We met as if we had known each other for a long time, and though she was busy preparing for conference, we still had time to share joys and challenges as KIMI is expanding.
Becky demonstrating some of her object lessons at the conference
By the end of the following day we where 14 people gathered in Becky’s house. What a joy! I’m so honoured to be on team with these wonderful, gifted, anointed and spirit filled leaders. Each of them has unique gifting that adds value to the team, and we are all on the same mission of reaching, equipping and training the next generation all over the world. They all welcomed me into the family with great love, and I know that Africa has a special place in the heart of KIMI leaders.
A cruise on the river served as a break between meetings and a good opportunity for fellowship as KIMI team.
I had the opportunity of sharing testimonies from KIMI Zambia in a session during the conference. I was overwhelmed by the response and tears from people, as they saw how the vision is spread and carried by our local Zambian leaders. It was a great privilege to share these stories of changed lives, as they often never reach the people outside our own circles here in Africa. The Africans – in generel – struggle to share the good testimonies, so it felt like giving voice to the unheard and speaking on behalf of the many leaders and children in PowerClubs in Zambia. Two of our KIMI leaders in Zambia graduated the School of Supernatural Children's Ministry. We prayed over ther certificates, which will be given to them in a few weeks time. Proud of Given and Austine!
3. Stop: Tourism, New York City
Due to flight connections I ended up with a full day in New York City, not really something to complain about. Following my “one-day-in-NYC” itineraries I managed to see the biggest tourist attractions, including the city from the Empire State Building and from the water side. I enjoyed the mandatory cream cheese bagel, and enjoyed my coffee while strolling through Central Park. Being married to Andreas, I of course also had to do a stop af Grand Central Terminal, where a famous Apple Store is located. Thanks to free wirefire I managed to give him a visual tour through the store. Much fun and many miles of walking in just one day.
I don't think I'll ever learn the skill of selfies!
Awesome time away! I feel refreshed in so many ways. I received many words of encouragement and prophetic words, and I’m so grateful for the many new friends I met. I’m energised for another season in Zambia.
My boys had a good time at home with grandparents around. But I missed them a lot!! And was so happy to be